Approved Service Providers
List of Approved Service Providers for Investigations or Complaint Resolution Officers, Case Managers and Appeal Managers
Investigations shall only be conducted when the Independent Third Party considers that there is a need for an independent assessment to determine whether an allegation (or, where there are several allegations, which allegations), should be heard by a discipline panel pursuant to the Discipline and Complaints Policy because they constitute, if found to be true, a likely breach of the Code of Conduct and Ethics, the UCCMS, Social Media Policy, the Athlete Protection Policy, or any other relevant and applicable policy, or whether the allegation(s) are frivolous, vexatious or made in bad faith.
The investigator must be an independent third-party with training or investigation experience. The investigator must not be in a conflict of interest situation and should have no connection to either Party.
After an appeal or complaint is filed through Integrity Counts reporting platform, member sport organizations are able to select the independent third-party organization that will act as the Complaint Resolution Officers, Case Managers or Appeals Managers. If the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Saskatchewan or ITP Sport is chosen, these service fees are covered by Sask Sport for member Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs). If PSOs prefer to work with other firms to fulfill these positions, they will be responsible to cover the costs.
Should a complaint process need arbitration, mediation, or investigation services, PSOs are required to pay for this. A single-use cost recovery of up to $5,000 may be applied for by PSOs. To be eligible for the cost recovery, PSOs must have chosen either ADR SK or ITP Sport, the approved service partners of Sask Sport, as their Complaint Resolution Officers, Case Mangers, or Appeals Managers at the outset of the process. Other providers listed are also independent third-parties but will not be eligible for the reimbursement.
To select your provider, please click on the button below to fill out the form to start the process.
Please note: In order to ensure that the process advances in a timely manner, the Independent Third Party may proceed with the appointment of a Complaint Resolution Officer without collaborating with the Safe Sport Liaison if the matter is urgent or they are unable to obtain a recommendation from the Safe Sport Liaison within five days of making the decision that the matter will be heard through the Complaint Resolution Officer process.
Dispute and Complaints Policy and Appeals Policy Flowcharts
Are you a Sask Sport Provincial Sport Organization?
Dispute resolution services may be eligible for up to a $5,000 cost recovery.
List of Approved Service Providers for Investigations or Complaint Resolution Officers, Case Managers and Appeal Managers
Investigations shall only be conducted when the Independent Third Party considers that there is a need for an independent assessment to determine whether an allegation (or, where there are several allegations, which allegations), should be heard by a discipline panel pursuant to the Discipline and Complaints Policy because they constitute, if found to be true, a likely breach of the Code of Conduct and Ethics, the UCCMS, Social Media Policy, the Athlete Protection Policy, or any other relevant and applicable policy, or whether the allegation(s) are frivolous, vexatious or made in bad faith.
The investigator must be an independent third-party with training or investigation experience. The investigator must not be in a conflict of interest situation and should have no connection to either Party.
After an appeal or complaint is filed through Integrity Counts reporting platform, member sport organizations are able to select the independent third-party organization that will act as the Complaint Resolution Officers, Case Managers or Appeals Managers. If the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Saskatchewan or ITP Sport is chosen, these service fees are covered by Sask Sport for member Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs). If PSOs prefer to work with other firms to fulfill these positions, they will be responsible to cover the costs.
Should a complaint process need arbitration, mediation, or investigation services, PSOs are required to pay for this. A single-use cost recovery of up to $5,000 may be applied for by PSOs. To be eligible for the cost recovery, PSOs must have chosen either ADR SK or ITP Sport, the approved service partners of Sask Sport, as their Complaint Resolution Officers, Case Mangers, or Appeals Managers at the outset of the process. Other providers listed are also independent third-parties but will not be eligible for the reimbursement.
To select your provider, please click on the button below to fill out the form to start the process.
Please note: In order to ensure that the process advances in a timely manner, the Independent Third Party may proceed with the appointment of a Complaint Resolution Officer without collaborating with the Safe Sport Liaison if the matter is urgent or they are unable to obtain a recommendation from the Safe Sport Liaison within five days of making the decision that the matter will be heard through the Complaint Resolution Officer process.
Dispute and Complaints Policy and Appeals Policy Flowcharts
Are you a Sask Sport Provincial Sport Organization?
Dispute resolution services may be eligible for up to a $5,000 cost recovery.