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Bilateral Participation Agreements

The General Participation Bilateral Agreement (also known as the Canada-Saskatchewan General Participation Agreement) and the Indigenous Participation Bilateral Agreement were signed on behalf of the Federal Government by the Secretary of State for Sport and Physical Activity, and on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan by the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport.

Signed in 2005, the General Participation Bilateral Agreement commits funding for programs to help young people benefit from sport and physical activity. In 2015, the Indigenous Participation Bilateral Agreement, which specifically targets Indigenous programming, was also introduced with the specific objective include support for programming that strengthens Indigenous capacity, leadership and culturally-relevant community sport programs.

The 2019-20 year represented Year 5 of this bilateral period. The agreement supports between $300,000 and $500,000 annually for a total commitment of close to $3 million over the seven-year agreement. These funds assist ongoing initiatives that have been identified as priority areas within the current strategic plan of Saskatchewan’s volunteer-led amateur sport system. They also align with the strategic priorities identified in the Sask Lotteries license

The initiatives supported by both federal bilateral agreements include the following programs and activities that are operated or assisted by Sask Sport: