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Volunteer Dedication Awards

The Volunteer Dedication Awards are designed to honour individuals who devote their time and effort toward the development of sport. Up to six Volunteer Dedication Awards will be given out yearly.


  • Nominating Organization

  • Nominee Information

  • Nominee Accomplishments

  • Total number of volunteer years:

  • Nominee Supporting Documents

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 3.

    • Eligibility

    • All of the following eligibilities must be met for the nomination:
      • Nominee is a volunteer as an official, administrator, builder in sport development or coach and/or a combination of all four.
      • The nominee does not derive primary income through an amateur sport organization.
      • Nominee is active as a volunteer during the year leading up to the nomination and must have been a sport volunteer for a minimum of 10 years.
      • Nominee has not received a Coach Dedication Award, an Officials’ Award, Inspire Through Sport or Volunteer Dedication Award in the past.
      • Nominee consented to nomination.