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Q & A with Dream Broker Breanna Northrup

For the last year, Breanna Northrup has worked as a Dream Broker with King George Community school. As a Dream Broker, Northrup creates opportunities for youth to participate in sport, culture, art and recreational programs that otherwise would be inaccessible due to fees, transport, etc. Dream Brokers focus on the interests of the youth and allow them to attend new experiences.  

Describe a memorable moment from your time as a Dream Broker. 

One of my most memorable moments would be the day that I started working, a former student that I knew from a previous job saw me, came running up to me, hugged me and stated how excited she was that I was the new Dream Broker for her school. Through this reconnection, I was granted the opportunity to give her the chance to try different sports and to see her enjoying these activities and thrive in something that she would have otherwise not have had access to. It has been amazing these past few months to see her grow through activities like art class and Clip n’ Climb.  

What is the most rewarding part about being a Dream Broker? 

The most rewarding part about being a Dream Broker is seeing the smiles and excitement students have when they see me and partake in our programs. It is a constant reminder that what I am doing is making a difference. 

What difference do you think a Dream Broker / Dream Broker program can make? 

I believe the most impactful difference a Dream Broker and our program can make is giving children who may be hard to reach or who would not be economically eligible to have the chance to try something new and learn new, positive, and healthy skills. The next difference that I believe needs to be mentioned is the relational part of our program, I have been blessed to get to know students and their families on a personal level and have been able to see how much this program impacts more than just the individual we have supported.