Long-term Suspensions
Communicating long-term suspensions is one step that must be taken toward ensuring that sport environments are as safe as possible. When a coach or activity leader is suspended long-term, (one year or longer) by a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO), the PSO is required to report the suspension to Sask Sport.
Members of any PSO who have been dealt a long-term suspension are not considered to be “in good standing” with Sask Sport and are, therefore, not eligible to register with any PSO affiliated with Sask Sport. Once the PSO/Club-issued, long-term suspension has been completed and removed, the individual who was suspended will once again be eligible to register with any PSO in Saskatchewan.
PSOs will be responsible for checking the Long-Term Suspensions Listing to ensure they have not allowed an individual with a long-term suspension, who is not “in good standing,” to become a member of their organization.
Sask Sport member organizations can use the website below to access long-term suspension lists and reporting.
Reporting Long-Term Suspensions in Sport Form
pdf – 766.66 KB
Communicating long-term suspensions is one step that must be taken toward ensuring that sport environments are as safe as possible. When a coach or activity leader is suspended long-term, (one year or longer) by a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO), the PSO is required to report the suspension to Sask Sport.
Members of any PSO who have been dealt a long-term suspension are not considered to be “in good standing” with Sask Sport and are, therefore, not eligible to register with any PSO affiliated with Sask Sport. Once the PSO/Club-issued, long-term suspension has been completed and removed, the individual who was suspended will once again be eligible to register with any PSO in Saskatchewan.
PSOs will be responsible for checking the Long-Term Suspensions Listing to ensure they have not allowed an individual with a long-term suspension, who is not “in good standing,” to become a member of their organization.
Sask Sport member organizations can use the website below to access long-term suspension lists and reporting.