Home / Funding & Recognition / Funding for Sport Groups / Next Generation Indigenous Athlete Assistance Grant / Next Generation Indigenous Athlete Assistance Grant Follow-up Form Next Generation Indigenous Athlete Assistance Grant Follow-up Form 1ATHLETE/PARENT2PSO/MSO Step 2Please select if you are an athlete/parent or a PSO/MSO* Athlete/Parent completing the follow-up form PSO/MSO reviewing and endorsing the follow-up form PLEASE NOTE: The PSO/MSO will need to select PSO/MSO when reviewing the follow-up form in order to continue to the next step to endorse and submit the form. Step 3 Step 3 – Complete Follow-up Form Step 3 – Review Follow-up FormGRANT INFORMATIONPlease refer to the Next Generation Indigenous Athlete Assistance Terms and Conditions Agreement for the following information. Grant Number:*Grant Amount Received:*Grant Period:* ATHLETE INFORMATIONName* First Last Birthday*(dd/mm/yyyy)Age*Address* Street Address City/Town Province Postal Code Phone*Email* Guardian email:* If athlete is under 18 ATHLETE ELIGIBILITYDuring the grant period:I was a member in good standing with the Provincial Sport Organization or Multi-Sport Organization?* Yes No I trained in Saskatchewan:* Yes No If no: I trained out of province as part of a formal National Sport Organization (NSO) sanctioned training program. I could not receive the required level of training in Saskatchewan and as a result have relocated out of the province (Ex. due to lack of facilities, coaching, competition, national team requirements). I attended an out-of-province university or college. Other reason(s) that required me to be out of the province. Please provide the reason(s):* SPORTING INFORMATIONName of sport/discipline:*Age Division:*Team Name:*Please indicate the level of competitions you competed at this past year: (check all that apply)* Local Provincial Regional (Ex. Westerns) National International How often did you train in your sport this past year?*Number of hours per week:*Number of weeks per year:*Comments: ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURESDuring the grant period, the athlete assistance funding was used for the following costs: (check all that apply)* Attending competitions (Ex. Entry fees, on-continent travel costs, hotel accommodations) Attending training camps (Ex. Entry fees, on continent travel costs, hotel accommodations) Attending training (Ex. Coaching expenses, sport science, facility rental fees, other athlete services) Other Please list the competition(s), location(s) and date(s):Competition:Location:Date: (dd,mm,yyyy) Please list the training camp(s), location(s) and date(s):Training camp:Location:Date: (dd,mm,yyyy) Please list the type(s) of training, location and dates:Training type:Location:Date: (dd,mm,yyyy) Please describe the type of training: ACTUAL EXPENSESUploaded ReceiptsYou are able to open and review the uploaded receipts by clicking on the file name(s) below and clicking on the WordPress link that opens in the new window.From the receipts that were uploaded, please enter the following information for all the eligible expenses. The total expenses must match the total of all the receipts that have been uploaded. COMPETITION EXPENSESCOMPETITION EXPENSESDate of Receipt (dd/mm/yyyy)Supplier Name (purchased from)Description of ExpenseAmount TRAINING CAMP EXPENSESTRAINING CAMP EXPENSESDate of Receipt (dd/mm/yyyy)Supplier Name (purchased from)Description of ExpenseAmount TRAINING EXPENSESTRAINING EXPENSESDate of Receipt (dd/mm/yyyy)Supplier Name (purchased from)Description of ExpenseAmount SPORT PARTICIPATION EXPENSESSPORT PARTICIPATION EXPENSESDate of Receipt (dd/mm/yyyy)Supplier Name (purchased from)Description of ExpenseAmount OTHER EXPENSESOTHER EXPENSESDate of Receipt (dd/mm/yyyy)Supplier Name (purchased from)Description of ExpenseAmount TOTAL EXPENSES Number APPLICATION CHECKLISTBefore submitting the follow-up, we recommend you complete the following checklist.Application Checklist I have attached copies of the financial documentation (Ex. receipts) to verify the eligible expenses. Copies of the financial documentation are clear and readable. The dates of the financial documentation are within the grant period. The follow-up is complete, signed and dated by the athlete and PSO. DECLARATIONS AND CONSENTDeclaration* I hereby agree that the terms and conditions outlined in the guidelines have been adhered to and the information presented in this follow-up report is correct and true. Name of athlete or parent*(Parent if athlete’s age is less than 18 years) First Last Date*(dd/mm/yyyy) After the athlete/parent has completed the follow-up form, please send the link to the PSO/MSO for their endorsement by clicking on the Save and send link to PSO/MSO for their endorsement at the bottom of the form. Please enter the PSO’s/MSO’s email address on the following screen to send the link. The PSO/MSO will then review and endorse the follow-up form and submit it to Sask Sport. After the review of the follow-up form, please click the next button to the continue to the PSO/MSO Endorsement and submit the Next Generation Indigenous Athlete Assistance Grant Follow-up Form to Sask Sport. PSO/MSO ENDORSEMENT(To be completed by the PSO/MSO)Endorsement On behalf of our organization, the Next Generation Indigenous Athlete Assistance Grant Follow-up Form and financial documentation have been reviewed and is considered complete for the athlete listed above. PSO/MSO*Name*Position*Phone*PSO/MSO Email* Date*(dd/mm/yyyy)CAPTCHA